Agenda item

Public Minutes

To agree the public minutes of the meeting held on 25 April 2018.



The public minutes of the meeting held on 25 April 2018 were approved as a correct record.


A Member noted that “TO FOLLOW” should be removed from the title of item 3.


It was noted that with reference to point surrounding the detrimental effect of overcrowding at the London Marathon discussed under item 11, it was a Licensing Committee matter as licensing police officers could instigate an alcohol ban in future.


Matters arising


A Member noted that it would be useful to receive an email in advance of Committee meetings appointing Members to the Licensing (Hearing) Sub Committee asking Members to put themselves forward in case they are unable to attend the meeting in person. The Town Clerk advised the Committee that she had sent an email stating this prior to the last meeting and would continue to do so for future meetings.  

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