Agenda item

Hampstead Heath Site Specific Events Policy Part Two

Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.


Members considered a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath regarding the Hampstead Heath Site Specific Events Policy Part Two. The following points were made:


·         Members were advised that part One had been signed off and that Part Two would ensure that events were consistently managed across the Department; and that individual events were considered against the impact they could have on a specific Open Space.


·         The Superintendent gave special thanks to Helen Payne, John Etheridge and Nick Bradfield for their input into the event policy which had all been incorporated.


·         The Superintendent advised that there were three options offered regarding thresholding noting that option 1 was the proposed option and sought Members views.  


·         It was noted that Richard Sumray had advised that he supported option 1.


·         A Member noted that his suggested wording for 6.4 had not been fully included. It was agreed that all suggestions would be incorporated, and the Superintendent would take the final version to the advisory group for checking before circulating to the Committee.


·         A Member was concerned over how many extra events would need to come to the Committee felt that clarity should be given in the options regarding extra/new events.


·         A Member was surprised at the size of 72 acres which was a tenth of the Heath. The Superintendent advised that this was quoted from existing legislation and was generally for larger sporting events.


·         It was recommended that a larger map be used with clearly defined lines.


·         A Member suggested incorporating the word heritage to 6.1.


·         A Member questioned the use of the wording “high quality” in 6.5 and felt this was not the correct terminology.


·         A Member felt that there was ambiguity regarding whether small events could be held on grass and recommended clarity.


·         A Member recommended adding a point to the criteria listed in 6.5 that events will be reviewed after it has taken place and the quality/success will be used as a deciding factor for events in future.


·         It was agreed that the Events Policy would be recirculated to Members after it was updated.


·         The Chairman asked the Committee to vote on the three proposed options.

Option 1 – 8 Members

Option 2 – 1 Member

Option 3 – 2 Members


·         It was noted that John Etheridge, who had worked on the policy from the beginning, was highly supportive of option 3.




·         Members give feedback in relation to the final draft Events Policy (Part Two) for Hampstead Heath (Appendix 2) and in particular, section 6 which sets out thresholds for consultation and approvals;


·         The views of the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee be conveyed to the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood & Queen’s Park Committee at their meeting on 5 September 2018.

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