Agenda item

Hampstead Heath 2018 MANAGEMENT PLAN update

Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath (TO FOLLOW).


Members considered a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath regarding the progress to deliver the Hampstead Heath Management Plan 2018-2028 along with the final progress report on the 2007 Hampstead Heath Management Plan. The following comments were made:


·         It was noted that the Committee had requested at its last meeting to extend the consultation of the management Plan and the updated timeline was highlighted.


·         A Member felt the plan was more of a list of a list of aspirations with no priorities. The Chairman clarified that the Divisional Plan provided the priorities and that the 10 Year Plan was more strategic. It was noted that the Management Plan was deliberately high level and still in a very early draft form to allow for engagement to flesh out the detail.


·         Members were encouraged to provide comments via email and it was noted that the deadline to provide feedback for revised draft document was mid-September.


RESOLVED - that:-


·         Members note the final progress report on the 2007 Hampstead Heath Management Plan and the revised schedule for completion of the new Hampstead Heath Management Plan 2018- 2028, as set out in paragraph 7;


·         Members provide feedback on the first draft of the Hampstead Heath Management Plan 2018-2028;


·         The views of the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee be conveyed to the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood & Queen’s Park Committee at their meeting on 5 September 2018.

Supporting documents: