Agenda item


a)    Merchant House – Cancelled


b)   Enoteca – Cancelled


c)    Gremio de London Ltd – Hearing adjourned and rearranged for 24 July 2018.

The Chairman to provide a verbal update.


4.1 Merchant House

The Committee were advised that the public minutes and decision notice of the hearing regarding the licensing application for Merchant House held on 20 April 2018 had not yet been finalised. The Town Clerk agreed to circulate the minutes to Members when they were signed off.


A Member that sat on the Sub Committee advised the Committee that the hearing had been straightforward, and the variation was approved.


4.2 Enoteca

The Committee were advised that this hearing was cancelled as the applicant withdrew their application.


4.3 Gremio de London Ltd

The Committee were advised that the hearing for Gremio de London Ltd on 26 June 2018 was adjourned on the day by the Sub Committee as it was deemed to be in the public interest as the license holder was unable to attend the hearing or find a suitable representative to attend in his place. It was noted that the public minutes were available in the supplementary agenda pack and a new hearing would take place on 24 July 2018.


A Member requested an explanation as to why the Sub Committee had to physically meet if they planned to adjourn the hearing. The Comptroller & City Solicitor explained that hearing regulations state that a Sub Committee has the power to adjourn a hearing but only once the hearing has begun. Members were advised that regulation 11 could have been used as this gives a local authority the option to postpone a hearing; however, on this occasion Counsel deemed this option to be risky as the licence holder could win on default.



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