Agenda item

Asset Management - Service Based Review - Interim Report

Report of the City Surveyor.


The Sub-Committee received a Report of the City Surveyor concerning progress made with the Asset Management Review.


Members expressed concerns about GVAs finding regarding the lack of joined-up governance on asset related decisions. Whilst the Corporate Asset Sub-Committee played a key part in the operational building portfolio, it was crucial that the “centre” takes ultimate responsibility for the decision-making process. A more holistic approach, it was argued, would be beneficial, as currently the prevailing mindset was that departments “own” property, rather than occupy the Corporation’s assets. As a starting point, the Chairman suggested that the Finance Committee could look at changing the remit of the Corporate Asset Sub-Committee to meet better this governance gap.


Officers informed Members that a resource plan to support the overall recommendations will be submitted to the Strategic Resources Group in September and thereafter Summit Group. There will be a further Report to this Sub-Committee in the autumn, this will include a proposed roadmap for implementation and a resourcing plan.


RESOLVED – that the Sub-Committee noted the Report.



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