Agenda item

Anti-Social Behaviour Policy

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


Members considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of a revised Anti-Social Behaviour Policy, which had been re-written to reflect best practice and protect vulnerable tenants.  Officers advised that the majority of cases concerned disputes between neighbours and repeated interventions on minor issues. Given the high visibility of estate staff, the number of incidents was low.  Members noted that, following a recent software upgrade, future housing update reports would include a summary of issues. 


Members suggested, for future Policy updates, that it would be helpful to show where changes had been made.  The Officer advised that, in the case of the Anti-Social Behaviour Policy, there had been no changes to the policy line and  more detail added. 


Officers advised that anti-social behaviour casework is often complex.  Generally, the perpetrators are known to estate officers, who use their professional judgement to act with discretion; managing risk, proportional outcomes and expectations.  Members discussed the staff procedure note which informs under the policy. Officers advised that, whilst these document are referenced in the policy, staff procedures notes are not conventionally public documents.  There was a suggestion that it might be helpful to have a publicly available summary, so that residents can understand the next steps in a complaint/investigation.  Officers agreed to check with the City Solicitor whether this would be viable.  Members were asked to be mindful that if staff procedures were too prescriptive, they might stifle flexibility and set a precedent for future cases.  Officers agreed to add a disclaimer, making it clear that all documents available on the web site would be the latest version. 


RESOLVED, that – the Anti-Social Behaviour Policy, for use by the Housing and Neighbourhoods Service be approved. 


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