Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services (Appendix To Follow).
Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of a rewire of the Landlord’s electricity supply at Southwark Estate (partial) and the Sydenham Hill Estate.
Members noted that the report had been approved by the Projects Sub Committee and they were being asked to approve Option 2; i.e. for Sydenham Hill and Pakeman House to be addressed under response repairs; and for Middlesex Street repairs to be undertaken under two separate contracts (chargeable and non-chargeable). Option 2 was recommended as being the quickest route to completing the required repairs affecting tenants. Finally, Members noted that the PT4 Procurement Form, circulated to Members last week, required further work but they were happy to approve the report on this basis. The Assistant Director confirmed that all urgent and safety critical works had been completed.
1. That approval be given for the necessary repairs to Lammas Green (flats) and Pakeman House communal electricity supplies to be removed from this project and undertaken instead under response repairs using the minor works framework.
2. Otto Close communal electrics be removed from this project and instead be inspected under the Phase Four Electrical Contract.
3. Approval be given for Middlesex Street Estate to be included within this project.
4. Emergency repairs already carried out at Middlesex Street be noted.
5. Approval be given to seek two separate tenders for works at Middlesex Street as follows:
i) Works that do not require section 20 Long Leasehold consultation at an estimated cost of £393,750, including staff costs and fees;
ii) works which require section 20 Long Leasehold consultation at an estimated cost of £337,500, including staff costs and fees.
6. Estimated staff costs of £3,000 and estimated fees of £13,000 (2% of works costs) be approved to develop the specification and seek procurement.
7. The project be renamed Middlesex Street Non-Emergency Electrical Works.
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