Report of the Director of the Built Environment.
The Sub-committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment proposing draft policies for the new Local Plan and draft vision statements relating to the proposed Key Areas of Change.
The Director of the Built Environment explained that the remaining policies not yet seen by the Sub-Committee are the transport policies, which need to align with the emerging Transport Strategy, and the Area Based Policies, which would be informed by the discussion at this meeting. The Director of the Built Environment confirmed that both items would come back in September.
The Chairman explained that he would go through the report policy by policy and take comments.
Core Strategic Policy CS XX: Offices
It was acknowledged that the 20 year time frame was a statutory requirement and that what had not been included with the report was phasing showing how much would be delivered in different time periods to indicate if the overall target was on track. It was confirmed that although Local Plans are required to plan 15-20 years ahead, in practice they are reviewed on a five yearly cycle so the process would provide opportunities for review of demand and supply at different stages.
Policy DM XX: Office Development
A member highlighted the reference to a high quality of design and suggested the City Corporation should be looking to achieve an outstanding and world class level of design and this was supported by Members. A Member questioned the proportion of flexible workspace being targeted and the Director of the Built Environment explained that it was a decision for Members how prescriptive they wanted to be. Members acknowledged the need to provide flexible floorspace, but also recognised the need to avoid being too prescriptive as this could present problems in future when considering changes to buildings and the market; the City Corporation would not want to tie itself into a target.
The Deputy Chairman commented that the City Corporation should be looking to include collaborative, co-working workspaces; designs that encourage collaboration would accommodate how people are beginning to work.
Policy DM XX: Protection of Existing Office Floorspace
A Member commented on the need for something clearer relating to a realistic marketing of office space. It was suggested guidance could be produced showing appropriate marketing for each sector and providing this as a supplementary planning document. Members discussed options for viability assessments and it was stressed these should be independent and put in to the public domain, with this being key to making it a robust viability assessment. Members were supportive of the viability assessments going in to the public domain and it was recognised that transparency would add to the value of these.
Members noted that a revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) would follow in due course and that making viability assessments public would be a requirement as part of this.
The Chairman remarked that the City Corporation does not have a choice and should be looking to make the viability assessments public. Members stressed the need to make it clear how viability assessments would be dealt with at planning stage and that it would be helpful to receive a report back on this.
It was agreed that a session would take place at the next meeting considering viability assessments.
It was remarked that the NPPF’s guidance on viability is directed to affordable housing and does not go towards protecting office space, which is of concern. It was suggested producing an updated supplementary planning document showing how viability would be calculated in terms of office space.
Policy DM XX: Temporary Alternative ‘Meanwhile’ Use of Offices
A Member suggested making sure the time period was by prescription rather than description.
Core Strategic Policy CS XX: Tall Buildings
It was noted the maximum height of tall buildings had been strengthened. A Member suggested linking the height of tall buildings directly to the Civil Aviation Authority requirement rather than showing an exact height of 309.6m as this height could be subject to change.
It was suggested more clarity is needed in relation to ensuring sufficient space for the movement of pedestrians around tall buildings and allowing access to the public. The Chairman highlighted that viewing galleries are a requirement of the Mayor of London.
A Member referred to the proposal that new tall buildings should provide permeability at ground level and stressed the need to be clear on what was meant by permeability. It was questioned how many people were taking advantage of the viewing galleries and it was suggested these have reached overkill. Alternative options should be considered, e.g. three or four floors with shops and restaurants and facilities for City workers.
It was suggested a very clear prescriptive structure would be needed and it should be made clear to improve street level by providing high quality open space.
Members were supportive of the need to move away from viewing galleries and explore alternative options relating to publicly available space in tall buildings.
The Director of the Built Environment acknowledged the need to distinguish between public space at ground floor and high level. It was noted the London Plan refers to providing publicly available space and not specifically viewing galleries and that this would be in line with Members’ views.
Core Strategic Policy CS XX: Protected Views
A Member commented that the Barbican and Golden Lane estates are both listed so it would not be possible to put new tall buildings in these areas, as implied by one of the maps. The Director of the Built Environment remarked that the Barbican and Golden Lane Estates were due to become conservation areas, subject to the decision of the Planning and Transportation Committee, and this would also become a factor.
Core Strategic Policy XX: Design
A Member suggested point 8 relating to advertisements appeared out of place in this policy. The Director of the Built Environment clarified that a policy on advertisements was included later in the committee papers and this point could be included there instead, but Members discussed it and agreed that this item should be retained within this policy to provide an appropriate hook.
A Member stressed the need to ensure new walkways are included within any design plans, as well as protecting existing ones.
In response to a question from a Member, the Director of the Built Environment assured Members that a significant level of co-ordination was taking place with colleagues working on the Transport Strategy to ensure strategies were aligned.
Policy DM X.2: New Development
A Member suggested it should be a world class standard of design.
Policy DM X.3: Public Realm
The Chairman noted the support for this item.
Policy DM X.4 Permeability
A member suggested point 2 was oddly phrased and that it was a peculiar message to ourselves. It was suggested taking out the City Corporation name.
Policy DM X.5 Terraces and Viewing Galleries.
The Director of the Built Environment clarified that this item would be amended to reflect earlier views relating to viewing galleries. It was suggested that where viewing galleries are in place that appropriate safety provisions be included to stop people from jumping or falling.
Policy DM X.6 Shopfronts
A Member commented that A-boards should not be placed on the street outside shops and that all advertising should be limited to the shopfront of the premises. The Director of the Built Environment suggested the policy on advertising to follow would provide a suitable hook to include something relating to A-boards and signage.
Policy DM X.7 Advertisements
A member questioned reference to restrained in amount and suggested this would be subjective; how would someone looking at the policy judge what was meant?
It was questioned whether a Supplementary Planning Document could be produced indicating what would be considered an appropriate amount, but the Director of the Built Environment clarified that there was existing shopfront guidance that could be updated to include this.
A Member raised the issue of A-boards and stressed pavements should be kept clear of these as they obstruct people moving around the City. The Chairman noted the comment and suggested the Corporation’s agreed policy on A-boards would need reconsidering if there was a proposal to change it. It was proposed putting a paper to Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee for consideration.
Members discussed A-boards and noted the extensive consultation that had already taken place on this issue. Caution was expressed when considering including a policy in the Local Plan that had not been properly considered and agreed. It was noted the current policy allows A-boards as long as these do not obstruct the highway.
A Member suggested that all advertising should go on to buildings to address the current problem with A-boards, with these proving to be an obstruction. It was stressed A-boards should not be allowed.
The Chairman remarked that this issue would need considering before an existing policy is undone and put into the Local Plan.
The Chairman noted the difference of opinion on this issue and the Director of the Built Environment suggested this issue could be cross-referenced in the Local Plan going forward making it clear it is subject to amendment. This element could then be considered in more detail by officers and reported back after the recess.
The Chairman acknowledged the proposal to report back and resolved that a report would come back after the recess on the issue of A-boards to allow further consideration on this issue.
Policy DM X.8 Daylight and Sunlight
Members noted the proposed policy on daylight and sunlight and the wording being similar to the policy already in place.
A Member suggested the City Corporation produces its own guidance rather than following BRE guidance, which was not considered relevant to the City.
A Member noted BRE guidance at least offers a methodology to follow. The Director of the Built Environment highlighted that an unacceptable level was set out in the BRE Guidance and it also offers a standard methodology and approach to follow. After a discussion it was agreed to continue using the BRE guidance.
A Member suggested there was a need to be frank and open with people on what would be taken into account on daylight and sunlight. The Director of the Built Environment agreed to rework the policy to better reflect the supporting text, which indicates that ideal daylight and sunlight conditions may not be practical in densely-developed city centre locations.
Policy DM X.9: Lighting
Members suggested that residents should not be side stepped. It was stressed that any lighting of heritage assets must be sympathetic but could also enhance the area.
Key Areas of Change.
Members provided feedback on the key areas of change and the following points were noted:-
- Specific areas the policy applied to were not defined. It was clarified this was a decision for Members, a steer was needed before debating the detail.
- Tower Hill Station was overcrowded; an opportunity should be taken to join up Fenchurch Street Station with Tower Gateway and Tower Hill and improve transport connections.
- The Chairman suggested the frontage on the river at Blackfriars was disappointing; improved public realm was needed along the river. The Chairman stressed he was expressing his personal opinion in this regard.
- It was noted and agreed that Fleet Street was now identified as an area of change. The City Corporation’s aspiration with the Court Building was noted. East of Chancery Lane was highlighted as an area that would need further thought, but it was recognised that there would be limited scope in what could be done in this area.
- A Member expressed support for extending the City Cluster south to include the ‘Walkie Talkie’. The Chairman remarked that he agreed.
- Members considered an additional note on the Pool of London Key Area of Change circulated by the Director of the Built Environment. Residential accommodation in the Pool of London area could not be supported but any parties wishing to make the case for the introduction of residential uses would be able to do so during the public consultation on the draft Plan; residential accommodation should be in specific clusters supported by appropriate infrastructure.
- Residential developments become dated and there was a need for continued development.
- There was a need for continued enhancement of the riverside with commercial and/or cultural space offering retail at ground floor level. Language on stimulating change and site assembly should be brought into the vision.
- Lower Thames Street was highlighted as a major challenge; Bart’s Hospital, Smithfield Market are both areas that are going to change sooner rather than later and development opportunities will need to be considered; the areas should be promoted as mixed-use areas for residents and culture and this should be pulled out more.
- There was a need for careful thought regarding references in the Plan to Smithfield Market as it is a working market, although its future is under review.
- It was suggested disabled access at Barbican Station should be included as part of any proposed development plans.
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