Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.
Members considered a report of the Superintendent providing an update on matters concerning Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park. The following points were made:
Management Framework
· Members were advised that the Measurement Framework had been embedded into the Hampstead Heath Management Strategy 2018-2028 and would be the next area of focus.
City Surveyor’s Cyclical Work Programme
· The Superintendent highlighted current projects within the Cyclical Work Programme including the Heath extension, public toilets and small meeting room on Parliament Heath which were seeking planning permission.
East Heath Car Park (A DP5)
· The Superintendent advised that the project had reached Gateway 5 but was now frozen due to the Fundamental Review. It was noted that there would be an opportunity to bid for capital funds in November based on a criterion of five set characteristics and the Open Spaces Department was currently prioritising all of its capital projects.
· The Director of Open Spaces stated that the majority of capital bids were currently on hold and the Department was keen for all projects with health and safety implications to be prioritised. All cases put forward in the annual bidding round would be well written and prioritised.
· Members were concerned that by the significant risks of rain on the East Heath Car Park and agreed that pressure was needed to ensure this project was completed as a matter of urgency.
· The Chairman and Deputy Chair highlighted the need for projects with health and safety to be prioritised as leaving them had potential reputational and liability concerns for the City Corporation. The Chairman requested clarity on the bidding process for the way forward as annual bidding would prevent Members and Officers from carrying out their day job.
· A Member cautioned against the reliance on classifying projects as having health and safety implications noting that this was the Health and Safety at Work Act. He regarded most of these concerns as public liability or safety issues and recommended seeking legal advice when preparing bidding cases.
· It was noted that the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee had stated that necessary projects should not be held up. The Chairman agreed to clarify with the Chairmen of the Projects Sub Committee, Resource Allocation Sub Committee and Finance Committee what the next steps were for funding projects.
· Jack Straws Castle 2017/2064/P, 2017/2211/L, 2017/2171/P. Members were advised that the developer had withdrawn their appeal.
· North Fairground Site 2017/4346/P. The Superintendent advised that the Public Enquiry would be recommenced on 3 October 2019. The Applicant’s request to submit additional evidence was rejected.
· South Fairground Site. It was noted that the Public Inquiry had been concluded and all parties were awaiting the inspector’s decision.
· 55 Fitzroy Park 2018/3672/P. Members were advised that the case was ongoing, and the City Corporation had submitted a representation concerning the impact of the basement.
· The Water House, Millfield Lane. 2017/3692/P. The Superintendent advised that a decision concerning the representation submitted against the construction of a boundary fence was to be determined.
· Jack Straws Castle – change of use application. The Superintendent advised that he would be meeting the Headteacher the following day to discuss progress.
· Athlone House. Members were advised that a new, more suitable gate design had been submitted following the City Corporation’s representation against the original elaborate design.
· In response to a query regarding wayleave agreements, the Superintendent confirmed that this would be reviewed in January. Members felt that a payment of £10 per year was not enough and suggested increasing this to £25-50 per year in line with other Local Authorities.
· A Member thanked the City Corporation who were an unsung hero for the significant work they do protecting the Heath from planning applications.
· Members were advised that the grazing trial was a success receiving positive feedback and publicity. A review would take place and inform future grazing projects on the Heath.
· The Superintendent gave thanks to the collaborators of the co-funded project including the Heath and Hampstead Society, Mudchute Farm, the Rare Breeds Survival Trust, Heath Hands and Historic England.
· The Superintendent stated that there was increasing pressures on the Team during periods of extreme good weather which was having knock on effects when the ponds and Lido were at full capacity.
· The Chairman thanked all staff and lifeguards for their hard work and noted the email sent to Members providing an update on the significant pressures at the Heath over the summer months.
· The Deputy Chair did not see the issues as unique to the Heath and requested that Members receive a lessons learnt update to support staff.
· In response to a query regarding the leak at the Lido, the Superintendent that the gel treatment of the pipes had not worked and options for excavation and resealing were being reviewed.
Heath Extension Meeting Room
· The Superintendent sought Members thoughts on how to progress with the Heath extension meeting room proposing that the space be let to local sports clubs in the short term followed by wider consultation for long term use and income, e.g. a tea hut or sports offer.
· The Chairman queried whether consultation with the community could take place at the same time as the Asset Management review or whether this should remain independent.
· Members supported that the room be le on a temporary basis to ensure the City Corporation was receiving an income straight away and for a decision to be made long term following consultation.
· The Superintendent advised that a planning application had been submitted for the Adventure Playground and Preachers Hill Playground would be submitted next pending the offering from London Borough of Camden for an additional £15k.
· The Chairman congratulated the Events Team on a successful year of events. The Night of the 10,000m Personal Bests was highlighted as a key international event for the Heath noting that next year it would be used as the trials for the Olympics.
Waste & Recycling
· Members were advised that new bins were being introduced in a phased process following the huge waste numbers over June and July. It was noted that the behaviour of the public was monitored, and introduction of co-mingled bins had led to much less contamination.
· The next focus for Team was messaging and communications for the public visiting the Heath to take their rubbish home. The Chairman suggested engaging with local press concerning the waste issues to publish a story.
30th Anniversary
· The Chairman advised that all Members were invited to attend a tree planting to celebrate 30 years of the City Corporation’s custodianship of the Heath would take place on 12 October 2019 during the HHCC walk.
· The Chairman noted that a Freedoms ceremony would take place before the close of the year presenting nominated people with close connections to the Heath with the Freedom of the City.
Queen’s Park
· The Chairman was disappointed that the Public Toilet and Sandpit Refurbishment projects had been put on hold due to the Fundamental Review after over two years of planning and saw this as an unacceptable reputational risk. The Chairman agreed to discuss this project with the relevant Committee Chairmen.
· Members were advised that Queen’s Park Day would take place on Sunday 15 September 2019 and were encouraged to attend.
Oak Processionary Moth (OPM)
· The Deputy Chair was pleased to note that OPM nests had significantly reduced from the previous year and commended the great pest management operations of the Tree Team.
· The Director of Open Spaces stated that the Forestry Commission have been providing messaging on the management of OPM across London and the pilot study and change of method trialled at the Heath had been a success story.
· Members agree the proposed phases for the future use of the meeting room on the Heath Extension (paragraphs 27-28);
· The Chairman to liaise with the Chairmen of the Projects Sub Committee, Resource Allocation Sub Committee and Finance Committee regarding the next steps for funding projects.
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