Agenda item

Housing Major Works Programme - Progress Report

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services which provided an update on the Major Works Programme.  During the discussion, the following points were noted:


  • In respect of the window works, the Assistant Director had met with City Procurement to discuss splitting the works, given the complexities at Golden Lane.  By November, Members would be advised of the estimated programme; which would show some projects being bought forward.


  • The tender process included a quality component in respect of successful delivery of previous projects and there was provision, within the Procurement Regulations, to extend contracts for competent contractors. 


  • The experiences of other boroughs would be researched as part of the new framework.


  • Portable appliance testing was a legal requirement in care homes only but the City Corporation had carried them out as a matter of course, post Grenfell.   Unsafe appliances were condemned and marked; ‘dangerous, to not use’ but the City Corporation were not able to remove them.  Officers worked with residents to source replacements at the best rates and they had been able to assist some vulnerable clients.  If an issue came to light with a particular make or model of appliance, this would be shared with the Fire Brigade. 


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.


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