Agenda item

Revenue Outturn 2017/18

Joint report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Open Spaces.


Members considered a joint report of theChamberlain and the Director of Open Spaces comparing the revenue outturn for the services overseen by the Committee in 2017/18 with the final agreed budget for the year.


Members were advised that the Director’s deficit budget variance of £47k for Local Risk was caused by additional costs incurred from dealing with OPM and waste.


In response to a query regarding the costs incurred over the summer period and the impact of the heat wave, the Superintendent advised that the report covered the last financial year but predicted that the figures would be higher than expected due to the extra costs incurred throughout summer, e.g. security and life guards. Members felt that more up-to-date figures were needed in reports and should tie in better with meeting dates.


A Member queried whether the hot weather improved or lost money for the Heath. The Superintendent noted that swimming at the ponds was the main issue as there was currently no enforced charge to cover the costs of keeping it safe, etc. It was noted that the Superintendent was working Mark Hutchinson to change the policy on charging and a formal plan would be brought to the Committee for input when developed. This would include an initiative to improve the payment route introducing contactless payment. 


The Kenwood House General Manager noted that similar issues regarding payment were being experienced at Kenwood House and agreed to discuss this with the Superintendent to ensure a consistent perspective and approach.


RESOLVED – That Members note the revenue outturn report for 2017/18 and the consequential implications for the 2018/19 budget.


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