Agenda item

Apprenticeships Strategy for 2018-23

Joint report of the Director of Human Resources and the Town Clerk.


The Committee considered a joint report of the Town Clerk and Director of Human Resources which sought approval of the proposed final version of the City of London Corporation’s Apprenticeships Strategy for 2018-23.


In response to a Member’s question, the Director of Human Resources confirmed there were 108 apprentices with the eldest being 54 years of age and the youngest being 17. Responding to a Member’s comments on nomenclature used within the report before Members, the Town Clerk agreed this could be given further consideration.


A Member noted the branding work taking place at the Corporation and referenced the earlier presentation from TMP, it was asked that the Apprenticeships Strategy fit into that work; it was further queried what the Corporation’s levy was with regards to apprenticeships and whether the scheme could be looked at in conjunction with the City’s Procurement process and its suppliers. In response to the query on the levy the Director of Human Resources explained that money was paid into a fund which could then be used for training costs associated with apprenticeships.


The  Town Clerk explained that the City of London Corporation would hope to incorporate a wide range of the apprentices into the work force, but this would of course affect the number of apprenticeships subsequently required. The Town Clerk added that consideration could be given to evaluating suppliers on their willingness to work with the City of London Corporation on their intake of apprentices.


RESOLVED – That the Committee:

a)    approve the final version of the Apprenticeships Strategy; and

b)    note the proposed next steps for delivery and monitoring of progress.

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