Agenda item

Special educational needs and disability (SEND) - Update

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.



The Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services and noted the update.


Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services which provided Members with an update on Special Educational Needs and Disability. As Ofsted had visited during the planning stage, the timescales would also be visible in the outcome report. In order to implement learning from the Inspection; parents of SEND children and young people are in the early stages of implementing a carers’ forum. Giving a voice to parents and young people, and the co-production of services, is very much at the forefront of Year-2 priorities. Parents are very keen to promote weekend activities. However, this can be challenging given the low numbers and age range of the young people concerned. Priorities for this year include short breaks, commissioned from Hackney; including siblings with disability as well as SENs. Parents feel that the current offer is limited, mainly due to the restraints within the City, but options were being explored; i.e. swimming at Golden Lane Leisure Centre.


Members suggested that officers engage with the Departments of Planning and Transportation and Open Spaces and the Barbican Arts Centre. Officers advised that the development of the local leisure offer is a high priority and, whilst this is a work in progress, parents and partners are encouraged to share their experience with web searches. A recent session at a City Library had been very successful and resulted in the children’s work being displayed at a City Museum. Another parent is working with Friends of City Gardens on a proposal for a sensory garden for autistic visitors.


The Chairman of the Community and Children’s Services Committee has attended the Ofsted meeting, which he had found very positive and commended the team for their hard work.


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