Agenda item

Action for Children Annual Survey 2018

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.




The Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services and noted the update.


Between February and March 2018, Action for Children carried out the annual service user survey with children and families supported by the City of London’s Children and Families Team. This survey included families open to early help, children assessed as being in need, children subject to a child protection plan, children looked after by the City of London, and care leavers. The survey sought to establish the views from children of varying age ranges, so questionnaires and methodologies were adapted to suit the needs of the children.


Overall the feedback from the survey was very positive, especially about the relationships between young people and their social workers. This was particularly evident in looked-after children and care leavers. Children and young people felt safe and there was positive feedback about the Children in Care Council (CiCC). Three young people who were looked after by the City raised concerns that there were not enough laptops for educational use. This issue has been resolved and young people who need one have been allocated a laptop. Members acknowledged that the report complimented the presentation at the previous Sub Committee that had been given by Action For Children on the initial findings of the survey , which at the time had just been completed.


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