Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
The Committee received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services and noted the update.
Throughout 2018, the Workforce Learning and Development for the People’s Directorate within the Department of Community and Children’s Services (DCCS) will be tendering to appoint a service provider to deliver a wider range of learning opportunities for staff across the Directorate. A range of options have been explored for the delivery of learning and development to specifically meet the needs of social care staff across the service areas within the People’s Directorate. The Workforce Development Group, consisting of Senior Managers and Human Resources personnel, agree a tendered service would best meet the identified need. Funding for this new service has been sourced from the Departmental Local Risk budget. This will fund the development and deployment of a two-year tendered contract to deliver learning and development activity within the Directorate. The new service support the service to meet the future demands in respect of Social Work accreditation. It is anticipated that this will be in place by end of the calendar year.
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