Report of the Commissioner.
Members received a report of the Commissioner of Police that provided Members with an update on the CoLP’s financial forecast at Q1 in relation to the approved Budget.
The Commissioner explained that a sequencing issue relating to the payment of grants for the Economic Crime directorate’s Funded Units meant that the out turn shown in table 1 for ECD Funded Units was only temporary as the grants are always paid in arrears. It was noted that this would always be the case.
The Commissioner explained that there would be discussion with the Chamberlain over retention of capital spend within the budget.
The Commissioner commented that the Interim Finance Director was in post, the accountancy team was fully-staffed and he was therefore currently happy with CoLP’s situation in Q1 and with regards to future financial planning.
The Chamberlain confirmed that he was working closely with the Commissioner to solidify numbers over the next quarter, though noted that there remained concerns to be addressed in relation to testing the assumptions for the MTFP. He noted that there had been a small underspend at Q1 – any additional underspend in year would help to reduce the rundown in reserves, which could then be used to help to address the budget gap in 2019/20.
The Chamberlain explained that the City of London Corporation Police Authority had appointed Alistair Cook as Interim Head of Finance, bringing with him experience working for both the British Transport Police Authority and the Home Office.
Members suggested that Table 1 of the report, that summarised the financial outturn at Q1, required further information to be useful. They proposed that it include six columns reporting the Budget, Expenditure and Net figures for both Q1 and the year going forward. (2)
Discussion took place on senior officer roles within the authority.
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
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