Report of the Town Clerk.
The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk that updated Members on any actions taken under delegated authority and urgency procedures since the last meeting.
Formation of the Police Accommodation Working Party
The Town Clerk explained that the first meeting of the Police Accommodation Working Party had taken place that morning, and that some amendments to its terms of reference were proposed. It was agreed to include additional paragraphs 4e and 4f.
The Deputy Chairman reiterated that the central objective of the working party was to ensure that the Capital Buildings Committee was given adequate awareness of CoLP’s requirements.
The Deputy Chairman noted that the plan was to hold Working Party meetings on the morning of each Police Committee in future, though requested that an additional meeting date be added in December, just prior to the Christmas break.
The Deputy Chairman requested that an extended joint report of the Commissioner and City Surveyor be produced for future meetings of the working party that covered the following:
i. Decant
ii. Force Requirements
iii. Timeline of Key Issues
The Deputy Chairman requested that the Terms of Reference be circulated to Members of the Capital Buildings Committee (1)
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
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