To agree the public minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2018.
RESOLVED, that the minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2018 be approved.
Matters Arising
Walking Guides
A Member queried if the walking guides covering Highgate Woods had been made available in the café. It was agreed that this would be followed up with the chairman of the Highgate Society to check availability.
A Member queried whether a student was approached regarding the preparation of a leaflet to go to Lancaster Road residents regarding hedgehogs. The Highgate Wood, Conservation & Trees Manager agreed to look into options.
Online Archive
In response to a question regarding creating an online archive of background documents on the City of London Corporation website, the Town Clerk agreed to write to the Corporate Affairs team to establish the scope for setting this up. The Superintendent noted that some older documents were not accessible as they were in the wrong standard/format.
Supporting documents: