Members noted the draft Highgate Wood Site Specific Events Policy (Part Two): and the following points were made:
· It was noted that Highgate Wood hosted only a small number of events, so the policy was currently a limited requirement. However, the Superintendent was happy for community groups to think of events that would be suitable at Highgate Wood, e.g. jazz events at a café, sponsored walks, etc.
· Members discussed the different event locations which were separated into zones: Zone A – Sports Field and Zone B – Pavilion Café Garden. Members felt that Zone C was needed to cover activities in the wider parts of the Woods. It was noted that Zone C was mentioned on page 226 and Members agreed this needed expanding on page 222 with the other zone explanations.
· Members were advised that music events would need to obtain a music license from Haringey Council.
· The Superintendent drew Member’s attention to the proposed Event Scale (Table 1 – page 224) and explained that medium and large sized events would come to the HHCG for consultation before being approved by the Management Committee.
· Members were advised that commercial events will be charged in accordance with the structure set out in Section 11.1. The charging policy would differ for community and charitable events which will be assessed to determine an appropriate reduction or waiver of charges.
· Members were advised that the events application form would be available online. Members felt that the form was very long and requested that it either be cut down or for different forms to be available depending on the size of the event (small, medium or large).
· It was noted that access was the biggest issue concerning events as no vehicle larger than a skip lorry would be able to access the site.
· A Member noted that large, loud events would cause a significant disturbance to the wildlife at the Wood.
· The Superintendent advised that forest schools were covered under this policy noting that local community schools would not be charged but anything with a commercial interest would incur a charge. He added that there would be a charge for storing equipment.
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