Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.
Members considered a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath concerning the tender of the Highgate Wood Pavilion Café and the following points were made:
· Members were advised that the Highgate Wood Pavilion Café is currently operated by Hoxton Beach on a Tenancy at Will basis which provided no security for both parties.
· It was noted that the City of London Corporation (Open Spaces) Act 2018 provided more scope regarding the tendering of the Highgate Wood Pavilion Café and it was now possible to offer a lease of up to15 years, or 21 years in exceptional circumstances.
· The report proposed that the Corporation use the powers contained within the Open Spaces Act 2018 to offer a longer lease in order to secure financial investment in the café facility. The suggested length of lease offered was a period of seven years with suitable break clauses and the option to extend for an additional three years, dependent upon performance and service delivery.
· The Superintendent advised that the HWCG’s feedback was important to the shortlisting and evaluation process and suggested that some Members be invited to the interviews of potential providers.
· Members were cautious of large commercial operators obtaining the contract as there had been problems with a chain business in the past. The Superintendent explained that the process looked at a wide range of things including environmental and social concerns and all operators would have to clearly identify its plans for the space.
· The Superintendent noted that a larger contract would allow the provider to invest in the space; however, performance would also be monitored on a quarterly basis. Operators would be asked to explain what investment was planned and this would be linked to the lease.
· In response to a query regarding whether the new operator would inherit machinery, the Superintendent advised that they owned ovens, fridges, etc, but a negotiation could be made with the new provider if needed.
· A Member queried if priority on the contact would be given to local business/residents. The Superintendent noted that local knowledge would score well when shortlisting. He advised that a similar approach to the recent retendering of the café at Queen’s Park would be taken and applications would be considered by 60% on quality and 40% on price.
· Members were concerned that large documents could potentially put-off smaller businesses from applying. The Superintendent advised that application process would be all web-based.
· A Member advised that the Council could populate the advert to local businesses.
· The Chairman advised Members that the deadline to provide any additional written comments was 10 November 2018.
· Members give their views on the proposals to retender the Highgate Wood Pavilion Café as set out in para 6 – 14;
· The views of Highgate Wood Consultative Group will be conveyed to the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Committee.
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