Agenda item

City of London Police Museum Governance: clarification of governance arrangements

Joint report of the Assistant Town Clerk and Culture Mile Director and the Commissioner.


The Committee considered the joint report of the Assistant Town Clerk and Culture Mile Director and the Commissioner on the City of London Police Museum and clarification of governance arrangements.




(a)  the governance structure outlined in the report be approved, namely that the business strategy for the City of London Police Museum and the cost of the staffing, accommodation and business operations sit under the governance of the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee for a period of three years (until 14 November 2021); and that ownership of the Museum collection, and costs pertaining to its rotation within the Museum and its conservation, as well as the recruitment of volunteers for Museum business, fall under the governance of the Police Committee;


(b)  delegated authority be approved for the Assistant Town Clerk and Culture Mile Director for the management and staffing of the Museum, and to the Commissioner, City of London Police, for the management of the Museum collection; and


(c)   the re-establishment of the officer-led Museum Board be approved (with representation from both departments) to manage the day-to-day running of the Museum under the delegated authority approved above, noting major projects, expenditure, or changes to the running of the Museum business will be referred to the relevant committee(s) through the delegated Chief Officers, as appropriate.


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