Report of the Commissioner.
The Committee considered the Commissioner’s stop and search update. The following matters were raised:-
· The Chairman asked for an early update on the training roll-out progress. The Assistant Commissioner confirmed this would be available within the next few days.
· A Member raised the issue of additional analysis of data, to ensure the CoLP approach was proportionate, and put forward the view that an understanding of residential addresses of people stopped would be of use. It was noted that better ‘identification’ is happening and that a dedicated team fully consider the ‘niche data’ that is captured.
· The Assistant Commissioner confirmed that the intention of the training refresh was to eradicate any disproportionate use of stop and search and reduce the number of complaints being made.
· A Member raised the matter of community engagement patrols, whether businesses are being reached, and whether Members could assist in the dissemination of information. The Assistant Commissioner welcomed this offer.
· The Chairman advised the meeting that the Police would be able to provide some additional context on strip search information provided in the report. A Member asked that future details to the Committee also include comparison with other forces and suggested that graphics to highlight this would be useful.
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