Agenda item

Appendix 2 - Open Spaces Events Policy Part Two


Members noted the draft Open Spaces Events Policy (Part Two) and the following points were made:


·         Members were advised that event locations are grouped into three broad zones with event applications to be considered based on an assessment of the suitability of a location, including the local character of the location, the potential impacts on the fabric of the site and on the experience of Queen’s Park visitors and neighbours: Zone A - built facilities, Zone B - established activity areas and Zone C - wider areas).


·         The Constabulary & Queen’s Park Manager drew Member’s attention to Table 1 setting out the proposed Event Scale. The Committee agreed that the duration of large events should be changed to up to three days as three-day events were not captured under large or major events.


·         With regards to how decisions were made, Members were advised that the Committee would be consulted on any event proposal referred to the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Committee for decision and that he Superintendent may also choose to consult the Committee on medium and smaller events via email or post.


·        Members were advised that the charging policy would differ for community and charitable events which would be assessed to determine an appropriate reduction or waiver of charges.


·         The Director of Open Spaces advised Members that the new Events Policy would encourage applicants to provide plans well in advance.


·         The Chairman stated the need to understand events being hosted at Queen’s Park and what/how they will benefit and in most cases the Park only receives a small rental. It was agreed that event details including the seven criteria to judge events against would be circulated to the Committee via email for Member feedback.


·         The Director of Open Spaces noted that just because an organisation was not for profit did not mean that they did not profit, e.g. cover of salaries, and that this should be taken into account when judging events.




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