Agenda item


To receive a report setting out measures introduced into Parliament which may have an effect on the services provided by the City Corporation.


The Court received a report on measures introduced by Parliament which might have an effect on the services provided by the City Corporation as follows:-


Statutory Instruments

Date in Force


The Geo-Blocking (Enforcement) Regulations 2018 S.I. No. 1153

The Regulations allow for enforcement action to be taken under the Enterprise Act 2002 where a trader takes part in the unjustified blocking of access to a website on the basis of a customer’s geographic location within the EU or where discriminatory terms of access are imposed on the basis of a customer’s nationality, place of residence or place of establishment. The Regulations apply to the Common Council in its capacity as a weights and measures authority.


3 December 2018
























(The text of the measure and the explanatory notes may be obtained from the Remembrancer’s Office.)

Supporting documents: