Agenda item

Land Transactions - Former Richard Cloudesley School Site

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk which proposed changes to the land transaction arrangements for the former Richard Cloudesley School site.


RESOLVED: That authority be given to:-

1.      The acquisition of the freehold title in the London Borough of Islington (LBI) Land for the purpose of a new primary Academy and social housing, with workshops to be located beneath part of the social housing in accordance with the powers set out in this report.

2.      The grant of a leasehold interest of all the LBI Land and City Land on which the school is to be constructed to the City of London Academies Trust.

3.      The Director of Community and Children’s Services to:

i)       conclude negotiations and final terms of the acquisitions and disposal in accordance with the principles set out in the report;

ii)      take any other steps as required in connection with any related documentation and associated transactions as may be necessary to complete the steps at the above recommendations and to implement the Development in accordance with the principles in the report; and

iii)     instruct the City Solicitor to enter into all necessary legal documents.

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