Agenda item


To agree the minutes of the previous meeting.


The Committee considered the public minutes of their last meeting on 10 September 2018.


The Deputy Chairman and Verderer Murphy both stated that they had been present for the last meeting and therefore asked that they were amended to record their attendance.


A Verderer stated that the minutes incorrectly referred to only one fire incident within the Superintendent’s update when there had, in fact been many. She added that controlling these incidents had been very hard work and had involved a lot of time and effort from all.  The Director stated that the emphasis was now on the restoration of the Wanstead Flats fire site.  A report detailing all 37 fires would be brought to the January Committee meeting.



Application for Major Event on Wanstead Flats – The Director of Open Spaces clarified that the Committee would receive a formal, detailed proposal on this in early 2019 which would allow sufficient time to gather full information on the issues. A Verderer reported that all three Verderers had received a lot of unfavourable comment on this to date with concerns around crime, traffic, litter and access already raised. Another Verderer urged that adequate consultation is undertaken on any proposals.


In response to a question, the Chairman confirmed that the proposal was concerning an event in 2020. He went on to state that he was very clear in terms of the strength of feeling on this matter.


RESOLVED – That, subject to the amendments requested above, the public minutes and summary of the last meeting on 10 September 2018 be approved as a correct record.

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