To approve the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting on 24th September 2018.
RESOLVED – That the public minutes and non-public summary of the meeting held on 24 September 2018 be approved as a correct record, subject to correcting an error on page 4 which should read ‘do not use’ and not ‘to not use’
Matters arising:
1. The Assistant Director, Barbican Property Services advised that work has been done to disaggregate the window replacement programme into more manageable smaller projects. This means that some of the less complex estates can be progressed more quickly than originally anticipated. The work on the overall programme will be completed shortly and reported to the next meeting of the Sub-Committee.
2. The Chamberlain agreed to provide a breakdown of the income streams, further to the discussion in respect of the 2017/18 Housing Revenue Account Outturn Report.
3. Members noted that a review of car parking charges, including specific provisions for the disabled is due to begin early in the new calendar year. It is expected that a subsequent policy report will be presented to the Grand Committee in the Spring/Summer next year.
Order of business on today’s agenda
Members noted that a discussion on the cover report in respect of Agenda Item 18 (Installation of Sprinklers in Social Housing Tower Blocks) would be held in public but any comments or questions in respect of the appendix to this report (containing the exempt information) would need to remain in the closed part of the agenda.
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