Report of the Principal.
The Principal reported on governance matters.
The following matters were raised:-
· Discussion took place on section (1) of the appendix on the compliance statement and Paragraph 3 (under Remuneration – page 64 of the agenda pack), insofar as reference should be made to the CoL ‘overseeing’ remuneration’, taking account of market forces (rather than ‘set by’).
· Noted that Paragraph 2 (the governing body protects institutional reputation, etc – page 62) should make clear that declarations of interest by the Board’s co-opted members are also available on the CoL’s website.
· A Governor put forward the view that further reference should be made to the strength of the Board’s work with the Executive in Paragraphs 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 of the statement to reinforce the submission and that Paragraph 7 (governance structures – page 66) should refer to the election of Common Councilmen.
· On section (3) relating to the Capital Projects Strategic Working Group, a Governor said that the ‘background’ section should properly describe the Silk Street initiatives (rather than ‘including a new front door’).
· It was noted that the proposed membership of the Working Group should refer to the Director of Operations and Buildings and the Chief Operating and Financial Officer (rather than representatives).
· It was noted that submission of the statement was due by 1 December and a Governor asked that the attention of the OfS be drawn to the statement reflecting a further enhancement of the previous position.
RESOLVED – That, subject to the above comments, approval be given to
(a) the compliance statement with the HE code of governance set out in section (1) of the appendix to the report;
(b) the establishment of a Remuneration and Nominations Committee (in place of the separate Remuneration Committee and Nominations Committee) and its terms of reference set out in section (2); and
(c) the establishment of a Capital Projects Working Group of the Board and its terms of reference set out in section (3).
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