Agenda item

Allocated Members Report

A report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services which provided an update on events and activities on the City Corporation’s social housing estates.  The report had been compiled in collaboration with the Allocated Members, who champion residents and local staff. 


During the discussion and questions, the following points were noted:


  • The Assistant Director confirmed that there had been a further update on the Isledon House windows since publication of the agenda and this would be circulated to Members.


  • Members noted that all Members of the Grand Committee have been invited to a Workshop on 14 December, to consider the latest financial information relating to the 30-year Business Plan and the implications for the Major Works Programme, Fire Safety Improvements and the Housing Delivery programme. A subsequent report will be prepared and presented to the Community and Children’s Services and Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committees. 


  • The Chairman advised that the Estate Walkabouts would start later for Golden Lane and Middlesex Street in order to include more residents.  An updated programme would be circulated, with the next one taking place on 29th November.


  • Superfast broadband installation had commenced on Avondale Estate.  The Assistant Director advised that initial concerns about compartmentation had been overcome, by using existing trunking, and this method would be rolled out to the other estates.  Members noted that some of the existing trunking would need to be upgraded and the Deputy Chairman confirmed that he will attend the next progress meeting with officers in relation to this project. 


In concluding, the Chairman thanked the Officers and Members for their input to the Allocated Members’ Scheme. He also commended the new more open consultation method that had led to one of ward members in the London Borough of Lewisham commenting favourably in the press about our Sydenham Hill consultation.


RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.


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