A report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services which sought to update Members on progress made in relation to fire safety matters since the last update report submitted to Committee on 24 September 2018.
Members noted that a number of compartmentation surveys had commenced in response to the risk assessment findings. Two have been completed and these were being analysed although, the results appear to be as expected. The Assistant Director advised that we are currently awaiting the outcome of a detailed signage survey carried out on all our estates.
In respect of the reference to the new 18th Edition of the Electrical Regulations in previous reports, Members noted that, although the 18th Edition has not yet come into force, all new consumer units that are fitted will be fully compliant with the 18th Edition.
There have been concerns about the high sensitivity levels of the new fire alarm installation in Great Arthur House. The Assistant Director advised that the sensors in the flats have now been re-programmed to ‘heat-only’ to cope with the actual living conditions within the flats. Whilst the Assistant Director regretted the inconvenience caused to residents by false alarms, he stressed the importance of installing a robust and reliable alarm system. Members noted that residents were contacted regularly about the need to respond to all evacuations and would be advised again now the sensors have been re-programmed. The Assistant Director agreed to forward the alarm and evacuation protocol to the Ward Member for the Golden Lane Estate. Members noted that although the Fire Brigade must always respond to the activation of the fire alarm, it could decide to charge the City Corporation for accidental activations and false alarms. Finally, Members noted that the risk assessments had advised that existing fire extinguishers be removed from flat blocks.
RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.
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