A report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s services in respect of the Tenancy Visits Programme. Members were pleased to note that this was working well and had provided some very good intelligence. Pre-advertising of the visits had worked well as there had been very few cases of non-co-operation. Members noted that, once the Leaseholder visits had been trialled, they would receive a full report on the outcome of the visits in the Spring of 2019. Officers advised that, as of today, there had been 2,200 door knocks and 869 completed visits. Members asked to see a programme of the visits and noted that, if entry could not be gained after leaving a calling card and 2 letters, an appointment was offered. Members were reminded that City Corporation tenants were obliged to allow access to officers for scheduled visits/inspections. In concluding, the Chairman commended officers on their excellent customer service skills.
RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.
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