Agenda item

Issues Report - Middlesex Street Estate Lift Refurbishment

An issues report relative to the Middlesex Street Estate Lift Refurbishment.


Members considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of the Middlesex Street lift refurbishment.  The Assistant Director advised that officers had missed an opportunity to increase the estimated costs at an earlier ‘Gateway’ in the City Corporations Project Procedure and would be more vigilant of this in future.  Members noted that the lift’s control mechanism was now out of production, the new installation would stop at all floors and the feedback from the Section 20 Consultation had been supportive of the replacement.


The Assistant Director then explained the Section 20 Consultation process and Members were reminded that, whilst the City Corporation was not obliged to go back to residents in respect of cost increases, it had adapted the process to enable more engagement, including meeting with the Chairman of the Pettitcoat Lane Leaseholder Association or their representative.  Members also noted that Leaseholders would be advised of the availability of interest free loans. 




1.     An increase to the estimated project budget of £522,500.00 be approved, taking this to a new total of £1,555.00, comprising of £1,382.500 for the tendered refurbishment works and £172,400.00 to cover fees and staff costs; and


2.     A Gateway 5 – Authority to Start Work report be submitted for Chief Officer approval in accordance with the regular approval track.



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