Agenda item


Report of the Town Clerk.


Members noted the various outstanding actions and the update provided



Regarding Action 1 to identify a representative for people with a physical

disability, the Chairman advised that three charities were approached and the decision had been narrowed down to Leonard Cheshire Disability who were honoured by the approach from the Committee and had a number of potential candidates in mind. Members delegated authority for the decision on the representative following receipt of the list of candidates to the Chairman and Deputy Chairman.


With regards to Action 3, the Director of Open Spaces advised that a report detailing the costs and implications of OPM would be first considered at the upcoming Open Spaces and City Gardens Committee meeting in December and come to the HHHWQP Committee in March.


Concerning Actions 5 and 6, the Kenwood House General Manager provided an update on 2017/18 events held at Kenwood House and public consultation involved with upcoming events. He confirmed that a report on 2019 events would come to the March Committee meeting. Members were impressed by the income raised from the 2017/18 events despite some negative comments from public. A Member suggested using text donations which could be advertised at concerts/events.


The Chairman advised that all other actions were complete or covered on the agenda.





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