Agenda item

Service Charge Expenditure and Income Account - Latest Approved Budget 2018/19 and Original Budget 2019/20

Joint report of the Chamberlain and Director of Community & Children’s Services.


Members received a joint report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of the latest approved budget  for the Service Charge Expenditure and Income Account.  The Chairman and Members commended the work of the Leaseholder Service Charge Working Party in contributing to this report.


During the discussion and questions, the following points were noted:


  • There had been three areas of change in expenditure, with notes thereon, in respect of employees; the reallocation of car park attendants’ time to include Blake Tower; increases in repairs and maintenance and revenue projects (i.e. repairs, decorations and car park charges).


  • In respect of the new Energy Contract, Members noted that pricing was based on kw per half hour; this determined the day and night rates and therefore each meter was different. 


  • The Asset Management line included an allowance for any additional surveys and unknowns and was £150,000, compared to the figure quoted to the Asset Maintenance Working Party  of £114,000. 


  • In respect of fluctuations, officers advised that they always sought best value in contracts, with due diligence.  The budgets reflected an estimate, pending the preparation of service charge bills in April each year, once the final positions were known.


RESOLVED, That – The Service Charge Expenditure and Income Account, Latest Approved Budget 2018/19 and Original Budget 2019/20 be noted, prior to its recommendation to the Barbican Residential Committee on 10th December 2018.



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