Agenda item

Standalone Website - Promoting London and the UK for Financial and Professional Services

Joint report of the Director of Communications and the Director of Economic Development.


The Sub-Committee received a joint report by the Director of Economic Development and the Director of Communications relating to an update on progress on the development of the standalone digital platform to promote London and the UK as a location to locate, invest and do business for financial and professional services firms.


A Member asked for an update on the corporate website, and specifically that thought would be given to ensure that information on the City Corporation’s open spaces was made easier to find.


Other Members questioned the need for this particular website and raised concerns such as how the website would advise businesses on the status of the relationship between the UK and the EU when this situation was still so uncertain.


The Director of Economic Development explained that the intention of the paper was to provide Members with an update on the website, which had already received appropriate approvals. The branding on the website would be clearly in line with the City Corporation’s main website. He also commented that this was an opportunity to ensure that the strong narrative of the financial and professional services sector in London and the UK was given the prominence it deserved, as there was currently a gap where London’s main competitors were strongly active.


Responding to a question, the Director of Communications updated Members on the procurement process for the new City Corporation’s corporate website, and agreed, upon request to submit an update report to this Sub-Committee in due course.



·         The report be noted;

·         An update on the new City Corporation’s corporate website be submitted to the Public Relations and Economic Development Sub-Committee in due course.


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