Agenda item

Update report

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services


The Committee received the regular update of the Director of Community and Children’s Services and during the discussion and debate the following items were raised:


Beech Gardens Soft Landscaping.  This would be a sub project and residents would be consulted on 2 potential schemes.


TV Network.  An agreement had been reached and this would be installed within the next 6 months.


Car Park at Heron development.  Could the columns relating to the Barbican area be marked clearly?


Recycling bins.  The entrance to the bin store in Willoughby 03 level car park was blocked.


Members agreed that the presentation of the report was very helpful, particularly the explanation about the Moor House lift.  Officers advised that the KPI on lift performance would be set after the first year of operation.  Further to the Committee’s Resolution to the Planning and Transportation Committee in June, Members were assured that the lift at Heron House would be manufactured to the new City of London specification.


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