Agenda item

Any Other Business that the Chairman considers urgent


There were three items of urgent business.


1. Officers submitted a late Report of the Chamberlain concerning council tax discounts and the premium for empty properties.


A Member expressed his concerns with the proposal to levy a premium on long-term empty property; he pointed to other local authorities which had pursued a similar policy in recent years - the experience of which had not been wholly flawless. He proposed that a grace period should be available where officers were able to exercise their judgement on a case by case basis, taking into account situations where residents had suffered unforeseen circumstances and were left in a vulnerable position. 


Officers responded that there were provisions for exemptions in certain exceptional circumstances, including when probate and social care were factors. They added that currently, there were no uninhabitable properties in the City.


The Chairman proposed a vote to decide on the paper. Members decided to approve the Report in full.


The Committee approved the following:


·         The current 100% discount awarded to unoccupied and unfurnished and uninhabitable dwellings is reduced to zero (0%) for the financial year 2019/20. This will result in additional income of between £50,000 and £60,000 per annum.


·         A premium is levied on long-term empty property for 2019/20 at the maximum permitted level of 100%. The resulting charge will be 200% of the standard council tax. This will result in additional income of approximately £20,000 in a typical year.


·         Having regard to the Government guidance issued, the Chamberlain be given the discretion, delegated to the Head of Revenues to reduce or waive the long-term empty premium charge in exceptional circumstances.


2. The Chairman confirmed that the March meeting of the Committee would be cancelled due to limited business that month.


3. Christopher Hill agreed to join the Efficiency and Performance Sub-Committee.  


