Agenda item

Research and Knowledge Exchange Annual Report 2017/18

Report of the Principal.


The Principal reported on the research and knowledge exchange annual report 2017/18 and the Board noted the presentation given.


It was noted that Maria Delgado had submitted comments on the item and had particularly welcomed the AHRC application. The Principal told the Board that Maria Delgado’s research expertise would be of great benefit going forward.


Discussion turned to the presentation and the Principal said that the School needed to clarify the reference to it as ‘an institute of social impact’ as this was a significant area of focus. Students had shown particular interest in this issue and the intention was to harness the positive energy that arose from it. The Principal confirmed that there was an opportunity to include all departments in the initiative and to bring them together in a co-ordinated and strategic way. A Governor made the point that the ability to show social impact and work with and assist, for example, some of the ‘less glamourous’ schools supported by the CoL would resonate well with current and potential donors.      







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