Agenda item

Outstanding Actions Report

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk which provided details of outstanding actions from previous meetings.


Influenza Inoculations


The Chamberlain explained that the proposal was for funding for the jabs to be provided from local risk and from each of the Chief Officers’ budgets. The approach would be similar to the current process for members of staff who visited the opticians via the City Corporation. It was explained that this project was not large enough to warrant a procurement exercise but that could be reassessed. It was noted that due to the costs being lower than the HMRC threshold, this could not be considered a tax benefit.


In response to Members’ requests that Boots and/or Lloyds Pharmacies be approached to see whether they would offer a discounted rate and the suggestion of a voucher system, the Chair asked the Chamberlain to discuss this further with the Procurement Team. The Chair added that Members wished to see a process for inoculations to be in place for the autumn of 2019.


A Member added that it would be useful for the Committee to be advised of the numbers from the Open Spaces pilot scheme. The Chair asked for a progress report to be provided to the next meeting of the Committee.

RESOLVED – That the Committee note the report.

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