Agenda item

Review Events Programme 2018 & Provisional 2019 Events Programme

Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.


Members considered an update report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath providing Members with a review of the 2018 Events Programme and the provisional 2019 Events Programme. The following points were made:


·         The Leisure and Events Manager advised Members that 115 high-quality events took place at the Heath in 2018. Highlights included the Night of 10,000m PB’s which was a huge joint community event.


·         Members were advised that 2019 would be another big year for events and the newly developed Events Policy Part 1 and 2 would help with the development of new events. 


·         A typo was noted in the proposed 2019 Events Programme and it was confirmed that the Night of 10,000m PB’s would take place on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 July 2019.


·         The Chairman thanked the Team and the volunteers for their hard work on all of the events in 2018.


·         The Superintendent advised that a transition was still taking place on the Part 2 Events Policy and that two pre-agreed large events (Circus event and London Youth Games) were being prepared and would involve email consultation with the HHCC.


·         The Chairman advised members that there were plans for a smaller scale non-public 30th anniversary event and encouraged suggestions from Members.


·         A Member (Mansfield Conservation Area Advisory Committee & Neighbourhood Association Committee) suggested developing a unique 30th anniversary event for 2019 and health and wellbeing was recommended as this was already a big movement at the Heath, e.g. meditation. Members were advised that wellbeing zones were already incorporated into the Give It A Go event and it was suggested that this event could be expanded.


·         A Member (Hampstead Rugby Club) proposed a rugby old legends event. 


·         It was noted that the annual London Youth Games was born from the Queen’s silver jubilee and there might be potential for support from the City Corporation.


·         The Leisure and Events Manager highlighted the importance of clubs when developing partnership community events.


·         In response to a query regarding management of negative feedback on social media, e.g. the circus event or the use of shire horses, the Leisure and Events Manager advised that he had not personally receive any negative feedback on the shire horses but confirmed that if the circus was successful in 2019, they had agreed to not use any animals.


·         A Member confirmed that the Heath and Hampstead Society would think of suggestions for a 30th anniversary event and suggested a regatta with model boats.


·         In response to a query, the Superintendent confirmed the Heath and Hound would be approached to write a special feature on the 30th anniversary celebrations.




·         Members note the success of the 2018 Hampstead Heath Events Programme;


·         Members of the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee provide feedback on the proposed 2019 Events Programme (Appendix 2);


·         The views of the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee are conveyed to the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Committee at their March meeting.

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