Agenda item

Report of Action Taken

Report of the Town Clerk.


As a result of the inquorate meetings in September and December 2018, the following decision had been taken by the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and most senior Member of the Barbican Residential Committee (in the absence of a Deputy Chairman).


1.               Housing Governance

The Policy and Resources Committee had been due to consider the outcome of its consultation with the relevant committees, in respect of housing governance, at its meeting on 15th November 2018.  The Barbican Residential Committee (BRC) had not been due to meet again until 10th December 2018.


Action taken:

The views expressed, in respect of Housing Governance, during the inquorate meeting of the BRC (held on 17th September 2018) were approved formally, by the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Barbican Residential Committee, in order for them to be presented to the Policy and Resources Committee.


2.               Revenue and Capital Budgets – Latest Approved Budget 2018/19 and Original 2019/20 – Excluding Dwellings Service Charge Income and Expenditure

This report was presented to the Barbican Residential Committee (BRC) on 10th December 2018 but the meeting was inquorate.  In order to meet the budget preparation timetable for 2019/20, a decision was required before the end of December 2018.


Action taken:

The Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Most Senior Non-resident Member of the Barbican Residential Committee (other than the Chairman of the Finance Committee) agreed to:


1.       approve the Provisional 2019/20 Revenue Budget for submission to the Finance Committee;

2.       approve the Draft Capital Budget;

3.       authorise the Chamberlain, in consultation with the Chairmen of the Barbican Residential Committee/Finance Committee (as appropriate)  to revise these budgets to allow for further implications arising from departmental reorganisations and other reviews and corporate projects. 


3.         Service Charge Expenditure and Income Account -  Latest Approved Budget 2018/19 and Original Budget 2019/20

This report was presented to the Barbican Residential Committee (BRC) on 10th December 2018 but the meeting was inquorate.  In order to meet the budget preparation timetable for 2019/20, a decision was required before the end of December 2018.


Action taken:

The Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Most Senior Non-resident Member of the Barbican Residential Committee (other than the Chairman of the Finance Committee) agreed to:


1.               approve the Provisional 2019/20 Revenue Budget to the Finance Committee;

2.               authorise the Chamberlain, in consultation with the Chairmen of the Barbican Residential Committee/Finance Committee (as appropriate)  to revise these budgets to allow for further implications arising from departmental reorganisations and other reviews and corporate projects. 


RESOLVED, that - the report be noted.


Supporting documents: