Agenda item


Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk detailing outstanding actions since their last meeting.


Updates were provided as follows:


Ludgate Circus

The Transportation and Public Realm Director reported that the City of London Corporation had funded surveys of the junction and the findings were significant. Around 40,000 pedestrians, 18,000 vehicles and 8,500 cyclists passed through the junction every day. However, it was found that around half of the pedestrians crossed the road outside the designated crossing areas, and around 20% of cyclists crossed the junction during red or amber lights. Officers had passed on their concerns arising from the survey to TfL, and would be holding meetings with TfL to arrange quick action to mitigate the danger.


The Chairman advised that this was extremely dangerous and advised the Committee that the Deputy Chairman and Director had been active in progressing the issue. The junction was a huge risk to public safety, and it was important the Corporation pressed on TfL to take action.


Committee Tour of the Bloomberg Building

The Chairman advised the Committee that a tour was in the process of being organised.


Daylight/Sunlight Training

The Chairman advised the Committee that a training session would be scheduled in the new municipal year following the Committee’s re-appointment by the Court of Common Council.


RESOLVED – That the list of outstanding actions be noted and updated accordingly.

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