Report of the Commissioner.
Members considered a quarterly update report of the Commissioner of Police regarding Community Engagement and the following points were made.
· The Chairman noted that the Mental Health Street Triage Statistics for the period 1 July 2018 – 31 October 2018 demonstrated that Police time was being saved through using the triage approach and added that he had requested a report be submitted to the Safer City Partnership accordingly.
· In response to a question from a Member regarding the mental health triage approach, the Commissioner replied that hours were being saved through issuing less s136 notices and consequently less time spent attending hospital(s). In his view, the key outcome was the fact that people who needed help were receiving it sooner under the triage approach.
· In response to a request from Members, the Commissioner agreed to prepare a case study of the triage approach (e.g. of five individuals) that demonstrated an average of hours saved, and the kind of outcomes that were being acheibed in general. This case study could be shared with the National Health Service and partner agencies.
· A Member noted that he would welcome sight of the annual review of Operation Luscombe. He queried how the Force recorded instances of begging and cautioned againts conflating begging with anti-social behaviour.
· In response to a question, the Commissioner confirmed that reference to ‘exclusion’ within the report referred to exclusion of individuals responsible for anti-social behaviour from the City of London.
· In response to a comment, the Commissooner agreed to review how to improve commications with elected Members and the public regarding the Force’s response to long-term rough sleepers in the City.
· In response to a question, the Commissioner confirmed that the Force was working to expand CyberGriffin beyond the City, and to parter where appropriate with outside agencies. He would update Members further outside of the meeting.
RESOLVED, that the report be received.
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