The Superintendent of Hampstead Heath to be heard.
Members noted a report from Heath Hands regarding providing Members with the volunteering highlights for 2018/19.
· Members were advised that Heath Hands provides over 10k hours of volunteering per year managing a wide range of tasks.
· It was noted that the City Corporation and Heath Hands had jointly appointed a new project assistant who will support the work of Heath Hands.
· The Corporation has funded community walks and the site has exceeded targets with a number of new members since opening.
· A Member (Heath Hands) advised that volunteers provide a huge wealth of knowledge and skills to tap into including historical records and recommended that a public access database be set up for interested wider users.
· The Chairman congratulated Heath Hands on their 20th anniversary and Members echoed the Chairman’s thanks to all of the volunteers for their ongoing hard work.
· The Chairman was pleased to note that she saw a number of Heath Hands volunteers at the Volunteers Reception at Guildhall in January. Members felt that this reception should become a legacy event going forward.
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