Agenda item

Tree Pests and Diseases: Oak Processionary Moth urgent update

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Open Spaces which provided an update on the challenges being faced due to the spread of Oak Processionary Moth (OPM) across the Open Spaces in the care of The City of London. The Director of Open Spaces introduced the report by explaining that the report had been considered at other Committees listed on the report and highlighted the work which had taken place at other Open Spaces in the care of the City of London. It was highlighted that while the OPM was not yet present at West Ham Park, it was expected to be an issue going forward.


A Member highlighted the potential impact on the health of dogs which could be caused by the OPM and questioned what actions were being taken to educate dog owners on these issues. The Director of Open Spaces explained that work had taken place in conjunction with the Forestry Commission and noted that the City of London Corporation website included links to the Forestry Commission’s website which had extensive guidance on OPM. In addition to this is it was explained by the Director of Open Spaces that the Forestry Commission had contacted veterinarians and general practitioners to inform them of the possible impacts of OPM. Following a point raised by the Chairman, the Director of Open Spaces informed the Committee that signs present at West Ham Park would note the danger of OPM to dogs.   


RESOLVED- That the report be noted.

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