Agenda item

Presentation - New Internet Web Pages

Presentation by the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection.



The Committee received a presentation on the new internet web pages relating to the Licensing Service. The following points were raised:


·      The Town Clerk would look into why ‘Licensing’ was listed under ‘Business’ and not ‘Services’.


·      Email notifications of any new licence applications added to the internet were not possible.


·      In relation to viewing Licensing Sub Committee papers it was noted that this could be added onto the Licensing Service internet pages.


·      The list of tabs would be listed in order of priority i.e. ‘Premises Licences’, ‘Make a Representation’ and so forth.


It was noted that the new internet pages would provide information on how to complete an operating schedule and application, the fees involved and a document on Frequently Asked Questions, along with other useful information.