To agree the public minutes of the meeting held on 16 October 2019.
The public minutes of the meeting held on 16 October 2019 were approved as a correct record.
Matters arising
Club Soda
Members were informed that the proposal to make the City of London the first mindful drinking city was progressing.
Terms of Reference request
Members were advised that the Town Clerk had sought legal advice following a request at the last meeting to include anti-social behaviour as a licensable activity under the Committee’s terms of reference and that it was not deemed necessary or wise to include this as anti-social behaviour was covered under the terms of reference for other Committees.
The Comptroller and City Solicitor added that whilst anti-social behaviour was not a licensable activity or one of the licensing objectives, it did become relevant when considering the prevention of crime and disorder and prevention of public nuisance licensing objectives. It was therefore deemed that the Committee already had the ability to take into account acts of anti-social behaviour, provided that they are attributable to one of the two relevant licensing objectives.
Supporting documents: