Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services relative to the Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO) Annual Report for 2017 and 2018. The report provided Members with an overview of the independent reviewing service in the city. The report summarised the statutory requirements of the IRO service and how the City performed in this regard.
The Director advised that based on the report, it appears that there are a high number of placement breakdowns, however these breakdowns were due to external circumstances. There was only one placement breakdown where a young person decided to leave the placement and remove themselves from the placement.
The report notes the high quality of services and support regarding care planning that takes place across the service (para 4.1)? How do you determine this and has this level of quality been compromised with the increase in UASC who have come in to our care in the last year?
The high quality of the services is reflected in the fact that every child over the age of 18 has since transitioned to semi-independent living. Concerns that have emerged with the recent cohort, and the increasing number of children, are related to an issue with the provider. The provider is under review to address the concerns. The Director advised that an update on the review can be brought to the subcommittee.
The report notes that there have not been any LAC reviews out of timescale since October 2017- is this still the case? (*Subsequent to the meeting, the following response was provided):
The report notes the post 18 offer has not been taken up by our care leavers? Do we know why and how care the Reviewing Service contribute to raising standards even further in respect of our care leavers?
Work is underway to try and engage care leavers more in pathway planning reviews. Care leavers over 18 years of age may not need this offer as they often meet with social workers or support workers, however it is recognised that having care leavers involved in their reviews is likely to further strengthen their outcomes.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
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