Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services relative to the Leave Care Guidance for Practitioners. The report stated that Section 2 of the Children and Social Work Act 2017 requires each local authority to consult on and publish a local offer for its care leavers. The report included the full local offer.
Is there a timescale for the publication of the ‘easy read’ version? Will it be translated for all our young people?
The offer set out in the report is for practitioners, and the ‘easy read’ version will be available in English and other spoken languages of the young people (YP) in the next 3 months.
Members asked if care-leavers can stay in contact after age 25. The Director advised that they can stay in touch if they wish, and it is up to the practitioner’s judgement to determine the extent of the contact, although there might be legal constraints in determining the type of support that can be offered.
What plans are in place to further enhance the quality of care leaver service in respect of recording and engagement in the pathway planning process? How do we ensure that all efforts have been made to capture the voice of our care leavers within the planning process and support them to achieve the very best outcomes?
An app has been developed which allows YP to establish their own plan in their own words.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
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