Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
Members received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services relative to the October 2018 Ofsted focused visit which looked at the City of London’s offer for care leavers.
What plans are in place to further enhance the quality of care leaver service in respect of recording and engagement in the pathway planning process? How do we ensure that all efforts have been made to capture the voice of our care leavers within the planning process and support them to achieve the very best outcomes? (*Subsequent to the meeting, the following response was provided):
The service is currently trialling a new review system for pathway plans. This is driven by the need to evidence the voice of young people in their plans.
How will we know that the recommendations have been implemented and are effective and having an impact on the outcomes for our Care Leavers. (*Subsequent to the meeting, the following response was provided):
The recommendations are now built into the Service Improvement Plan, which is further detailed at Item 12.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
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